What Makes a Good Performance Marketing Agency?

Introduction The digital marketing industry has never shown itself to be particularly stable in its evolutions, but recent times have been particularly combustible. Sweeping macro changes such as GDPR, the cookie-pocalypse and iOS4 have been blended with micro changes to specific platforms such as the muddying of match types in search and the removal of […]
The Key to Winning on Google Shopping: Track your Price Competitiveness

Introduction Google Shopping is a powerful platform for retailers to reach new customers and grow their businesses. However, in order to be successful on Google Shopping, it’s important to be price competitive. That’s because Google Shopping shows products in a “shopping feed,” where products are ranked based on a variety of factors, including price. If […]
Comparing Performance Max versus Google Smart Shopping

Introduction Google cites that advertisers can enjoy +30% incremental conversions from running performance max. Our view is that these gains can only be enjoyed if you’re doing a sub-optimal job of running your Google campaigns, and that better performance can be achieved by running standalone campaigns across Search/DSA, Standard Shopping, GDN, YouTube and Discovery. […]